Gates, Oregon
Gates Oregon 97346

The post office that serves Gates was originally on the south side of North Santiam River and was therefore in Linn County. The office was established in February 1882 with the name Henness and with Jane Henness first postmaster. The name was changed to Rock Creek on August 23, 1883. Later, W.R. Robertson, then postmaster, moved the post office across the river to a place called Gatesville, and the name of the office was changed to Gates on February 12, 1892. This was in honor of Mary Gates, one of the oldest settlers in the vicinity. The name Gatesville was first applied to the place about 1888. Mrs. J. P. McCurdy, postmaster at Gates in 1925, wrote the compiler as follows: "There was much opposition to the adoption of the new name of Gates by the older settlers who wished to retain the name of Rock Creek. A petition was signed to keep the old name. The party circulating the petition got drunk and lost it, and therefore the name of Gates remained." Page Mr. Volstead.


Detroit Lake Recreational Area (Reservoir) (Army Corp of Engineers), HooDoo Ski Area and nearby snow parks, Fisheries Bend-BLM, Elkhorn Golf Course (9 holes), Detroit State Park, Mongold State Park, Santiam State Park, Silver Falls State Park, Willamette National Forest, Detroit Ranger District, Opal Creek, Whispering Falls, Marion, Packsaddle, Niagra.